The Gunman
The Gunmen - 3.2 / 5 (mediocre; Redbox/Netflix/Free movie
A slow paced yet very intense action film, with solid
acting, an engaging story, acceptable writing, and exotic settings which were
shot on-location around the world.

The story is good, a very solid job. However, one of the few
set-backs it does have is at the very beginning. You open up to a slow
beginning, very slow. Slow enough to make it hard to concentrate and get into
the film. This lasted the first 5 minutes for myself. The bad thing about that,
I discovered, was that the first 5 minutes are arguably the most important of
the film. So, if you go see this movie then remember, pay attention to the
beginning and keep up with what’s happening. It will be important. Now,
although the action is indeed slow, both the writer and director use that time
to carefully set up a solid story with great plot twists added. If you care
more for a solid story than fast paced action then this is a great movie to see.
Some of these plot twist seem unnecessary at first but they’re not. They all
present viable obstacles to the characters, which in turn moves the action
forward in a way that wouldn’t be possible otherwise.
Character - 4: There are only 3 characters that need to be
reviewed here.
Sean Penn / Jim Terrier - Sean Penn’s character, Jim, has
the ferocity and speed of Jason Bourne but with the resources and support, as
in friends and such, like that of Liam Nesson’s character in Taken. Not to
mention Sean Penn is closer to Liam’s age, so we apparently have another elder
badass on our hands. His character also has the mentality of Bruce Willis in
Die Hard as the character John McClane. Jim (Sean) is very calm and laid back
under any circumstance but is always thinking quietly. Plus like the layman law
officer John McClane Penn’s character seems somewhat simple to his enemies,
that of a simple soldier, but he is in fact always alert, very intelligent, and
ready for anything.
Jasmine Trinca / Annie – Love interest of the story, Annie
is very beautiful and age appropriate for the hero and villains. She is very
much the damsel in distress for the majority of the film but she isn’t without
her surprises. One thing I like about her character is she puts her issues in
perspective. When people are trying to kill you and an old flame reveals that
he lied to you about something, are you really going to take the time to stop
and cry, or try to force a “moment” . . . NO, you might get upset but mostly
you’re going to run! It wouldn’t be until you’re safe that you’d forgive or not
forgive, and either way, you’d do it fast and with very little drama.

Intent 2 – The intent is what really hurts this film. In the
previews it was painted as a fast paced action film. Unfortunately that isn’t
the case here. Sure there’s a lot of action, but it isn’t fast. If you want a
movie hosting car chases and intense shoot-outs, this isn’t the movie for you.
That’s right, although the movie IS called The Gunman, there are very few
intense gun battles and absolutely NO car chases! They even bring a vintage car
into the film and they still don’t have a car chase. It was just kind of
disappointing. The fight scenes were great, very well executed and intense! Not
to mention all of the deaths were very brutal and the main antagonist ends up meeting
his end in a very special way. It’s something that I haven’t seen since The
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen! Aside from that, there was just a lot of set
up for the story and not enough action for my taste, at least not for the kind
of film they advertised for.

Writing 3 – There was nothing really special about the
writing. It was good enough to move the action along, keeping you informed and
still shrouded in a bit of mystery, while staying in-tuned with the character’s
feelings. The only part which came across as unique is when Idris’s character
talks to Jim, Sean’s character, for the first time. I got a laugh out of that
part and I think you might too, especially if you enjoy metaphors.

Personally, I really enjoyed the film once I got into it,
once realized what was going on. I just don’t think that it’s worth a theater
experience. The action displayed shouldn’t be affected if you watch it on your
tv for $1.30 from Redbox instead of on a theater screen for $10 . . . unless
you have a free movie ticket, then totally go for it!
Thanks for reading and enjoy the movies!!!
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