Ride Along 2

Ride Along 2

This is an OK movie and IS NOT theater worthy

          This is technically breaking one of my movie rules, that being paying theater pricing for a comedy, but with the hot streak Kevin Hart’s been on I couldn’t help but take the chance. Well, it came back to bite me in the wallet. I mean, the thing about comedies, as opposed to other film genres, is that you can see a comedy on the big screen for $8-$10 or you can see it on your own TV from a $1.50 rental and it won’t affect your experience. Funny is still funny regardless of the size of your screen. Now there are exceptions, of course, but THIS wasn’t one of them . . .
            As comedy goes it was relatively basic. The jokes were funny in more of an amusing way rather than an actually “laugh out loud” kind of way, and the situation of the film was very basic and predictable. You pick up where the story was left off where Kevin is not a police officer, he’s getting ready to marry Ice Cube’s sister, and is of course more of a menace to Ice Cube than ever. In order to show his worth as more than just a green cop who got lucky with his first “bust” in the first film he wants a chance to tag along with Cube to Florida and help close a big case. Of course going down there they both bite off more than they can chew but between Kevin’s persistence (and mouth), and Cube’s tough touch and experience then they may just stand a chance.
The biggest blow to the film was the delivery of the performances. Mostly Kevin’s performance, since Cube’s never really changes and all. What made the first film so much better than it probably should’ve turned out was Keven’s performance. His extensive “off-script” performance added an extra quality to the first movie that made it stand out amongst the run of the mill comedies. It had the same problems as its sequel does but you couldn’t help but laugh and wonder at just what the absolute hell Kevin was going to say next. With this film though, for whatever reason, Kevin actually stuck to the writing and delivered his lines like he was “supposed to”. Now I don’t know who talkedto him about this or who forced this change . . . but it was a seriously bad move on someone’s part.
            I think it was more entertaining than funny, but it doesn’t make it a bad film. It’s just simply not something I’d suggest paying $10 to see though. Wait for Red Box and enjoy it then, because if you’re a Kevin Hart fan it is worth a watch. Plus they added the amazing talent of Ken Jeong (Mr. Chow from Hangover) who plays a hacker who acts like a geeky “playa”. So if you go to the theaters then see it at your own risk . . .

As an extra little added bonus Tika Sumpter, Kevin's girl in the movie and Cube's sister . . . she gives us a little bit more action than she did in the first one and I am OK with THAT!!! "Hey there bouncy butt"


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