It Follows…
Story – 4
Writing – 2
Character – 2
Intent – 4
Acting – 3
Overall – 3 ; Free movie
It can look like anyone
It will never stop
It can only be seen by those it follows
It should never touch you
Always have two ways out
Pass it to another as soon as possible
Always be ready, because it the person you
passed It to dies, then once again . . . YOU’RE It!!!
Before I start let me just say,
this is another tricky review for me. Although the movie is seriously lacking
in many places, the story itself, and how it’s portrayed, is VERY well done. I’m
truly torn between telling you, my readers, to wait for it to leave theaters or
not. What I do know is this … any self-respecting horror fanatic will jump at
the chance to see this film. For all others, I would recommend waiting.
Story 4 - The story
is simple, but very creepy. Basically there is this thing … this thing that no
one can begin to understand. No one knows what it is, where it came from, or
even what it really looks like. Whether it’s a ghost, a demon, or maybe some
kind of monster, no one knows! Because of this creature’s anonymity, those who
can see it, or have experienced it, refer it is simply as . . . It. The It
follows you, no matter where you are or what you do. This occurs after having
sex with someone that the It is currently following. It will never stop following
you, ever. In the story, as reveled in the previews, they tell you that it can’t
be stopped, and the only way to survive the It is to pass it along to someone
else. You accomplish this through the most intimate of human interactions . . .
you must have sex to pass it on. This is basically the deadliest game of tag
since The Ring, only without the tape, the time limit of 7 days, and you’re
never truly safe since when the person you passed it on to dies then once
again, you’re IT! Although the story of a phantom stalker isn’t anything new,
and in fact is one of the oldest tales of terror, this new take on such a
simple concept is executed well. Such a creepy entity as the It is truly a
breath of fresh air in the story world of modern day horror . . . you’re LAST
fresh breath that is!
Writing 2- The
writing is absolutely horrible. If you were to follow and judge the writing
alone then this movie would fail horribly. It doesn’t let you know clearly how
the characters are related to each other until far into the film. Before
that, and even a little after, you’re just assuming a lot about their
relationships. Plus there is no backstory at all for any character, except a
few lines of reminiscence between the main character, Jay (Maika Monroe), and
her friend with the puppy dog crush on her, Paul (Keir Gilchrist). Act I and II
are written solid, with a clear and solid plot point which leads you from act I
to II. There are plenty of obstacles in act II that get in the Jay's way of surviving. Unfortunately
there is really no plot point to take you from act II and into act III, of
which there is virtually none of. You get a beginning, a middle, and no end …
which can work for a horror movie but without a second plot point the film
feels unfinished.
Now, I do like how
they wrote the ending in regards to the film, not the story. It leaves it to where you
can fantasize and wonder what could happen next with the characters. In fact,
there is a darker side of myself which welcomes the fantasy of allowing someone
to pass the It along to me. There is a part of me that would revel in the
opportunity to see how long I could survive the It, how long I could run, how
creative I could get in fighting back or running. But that’s the result of a
good horror story and a compelling monster/ghost/demon . . . it causes your
darkest side to flourish but for a bit and tempts you into letting it loose!
With that said though, there is no real second plot point, no real third act,
and even though the story ends well (not that I’m saying it has or doesn’t have
a happy ending), it feels very unfinished.
Characters 2- All of
the characters are very simple, nothing to them really. The only character who
seems well rounded, even more so than the main, Jay, is the person who passes
the It to Jay. Other than that I can basically sum up each character thusly:
one’s scared, one’s horny, one is blissful, and every other characters are really
just there for support. If there was some kind of back story, or even
a clear indication as to who they are to each other, then it would’ve been a
vast improvement. What we see a lot of from the characters are their support for the Jay and
who they’re each horny for. And I say horny instead of attracted to because in
this film there is no attraction, there is only sex. All lust, no love. Just
not a lot of character in anyone except Jay and the person who gave her
the It.
Intent 4 - This story
isn’t intended to scare, not like Insidious or The Exorcist was supposed to. Its
meant to creep you out and I must say, in my opinion, job well done. The
concept itself is creepy. An invisible and deadly force consistently and
relentlessly following you, all while slowly walking and changing shape. It’s
like a terminal illness that you can see, slowly following you wherever you go
only for it to inevitably end your life in the most brutal and horrific manner.
Think Michael Myers…24/7! But with all of that, the concept is really nothing
without the right presentation of it, and they do a spectacular job in
presenting and showing this mysterious, quiet, and deadly force. It isn’t
something I want to try and describe really. Instead, it something you’ll just
have to experience for yourself, and I hope you do!
Acting 3- The acting
was average. I mean, no one is going to win any awards here for their
performances, but you rarely find that level of performance in a horror film
anyway. Point is, they did their job, they did it well enough to fulfill their
characters, especially with what it looks like they had to work with, and the
rest lies in the hands of the It!
As a side note I
really want to point out something very important to me, something a lot of people
get offended by but only due to not seeing this element of modern day movies in
the right light. There is a lot of sex and nudity in this film, A LOT! I mean,
the way you survive is by having sex so, yeah, there’s going to be a lot of the
dragon with two backs making an appearance. But this is what’s important . . .
it ALL serves to further the story or character. Every shot of a breast, every
scene with a humping couple, it all serves a purpose for the story and to that I
say hump on. Now, with so many movies now and days just throwing in sex or a
couple of Hollywood “perfect” breast to try and get a few more extra bucks from
Joe Pervert, I find it refreshing when a film focuses more on the story than on
the act itself when performing a scene with nudity or sex.

Relation – The film
reminds me of the concept in The Ring (the end of it at least), where you survive
by passing it to someone else. The difference is instead of making a copy of a
tape and showing it to someone else . . . you have sex. MUCH less complicated .
. . . . for some. The force itself, the It, is like that of the ghost from The
Grude and Michael Myers from Halloween. Relentless and brutal, an evil which,
when exposed, WILL consume you eventually. It’s slow, only walking, but that
just adds to the creepiness, the torture. This is a truly unique creature,
whatever it is, and I hope we see more like it in the future!
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