Ant Man
This is a great movie and theater worthy!
* For those of you who enjoy my reviews I’ve decided on a different avenue in
my approach. I want to start writing more subjectively than objectively, which
is why I’m dropping the point system I constructed. I will now be grading films
on whether they are “GREAT”, “OK”, or “BAD”, and whether it’s “theater worthy”
or not “theater worthy”. If I get an outpouring of readers requesting my
objective approach I’ll return to it . . . but only then*
A little back history for you readers. If you're already
geeks, nerds, or simple hero enthusiast (like myself) then one, geek proud, and
two skip ahead. For everyone else here's the facts. Hank Pym discovered what
became aptly known as Pym particles. This discovery allowed him to shrink down
to the size of an ant while retaining the strength of a fully grown man.
Because he could also eventually grown in size he ended up pushing his body to
the limits. Due to this he eventually had to give up the good fight. Next came
the second Antman, Scott Lang. The second Antman is whom the film is about. So
let it be known that you're not watching the original Antman, but the second!
Antman #2 was less impressive than Pym but still worthy. Scott had a criminal
history but for good reasons and was also an accomplished electrical engineer.
Other than that he was a vastly normal and an everyday guy.
I didn't have high expectations going into this film. It was
the same feeling I had going into Thor for the first time, but just like Thor I
was pleasantly surprised. The biggest set-back that stood out to me, initially,
was the casting. Don't get me wrong, I love Paul Rudd. Any comedy with him I'll
watch. The problem is I would follow him into any COMEDY, but this isn’t a
comedy, it’s an action-adventure film of high expectancy. Though I loved his
early work in the theatre he just doesn't have a strong backing in anything but
comedy. Back in his theatre days he had an impressive physic and wasn't too shy
to show it off. Knowing this I wasn't too shocked to see his impressive body
transformation. What I was worried about was his ability to maintain the
intensity required to deliver a superb and convincing superhero. Sure there’s
Robert Downy and Tony Stark, but Paul Rudd is more sarcastic than witty while
Scott isn’t eccentric and much less brilliant than Tony. Then there’s Ryan
Reynolds and Green Lantern, but Ryan Reynolds has proven himself in action
films while retaining his funny, sarcastic, witty nature. This was a complete
180 for Paul Rudd . . . but I must say,
Paul and crew nailed it!
Fortunately I was glad to see how they worked with Paul (Rudd)
and Scott (Lang). They didn't form Paul around the character, but they formed
the character around Paul (Rudd). Doing this was smart because it allowed him
to be the heroic, action, superhero that he's meant to be and at the same time
allowing him to be the funny, sarcastic, and over all goofy guy that he
naturally is. What I was afraid of was that he’d come across as too goofy, a
goofy superhero, letting his humor take over the character. Instead he let his
facials and tone deliver the humor and his eyes deliver the action! As Antman
goes it’s really just Paul Rudd if he were a super hero . . . who, you know . .
. talks to ants. And no matter how intense a situation got there was always an
air of humor to the film.
While it doesn't have the intensity of the other Avengers,
or their movies, it does have a fast paced action to it. The film also uses the
unique Antman ability in the most various and captivating ways that will keep
you on the edge of your seat the whole time. Plus the character itself is
refreshing in that Scott Lang is so far the most vulnerable, normal, down to
earth superhero we have so far. With the other Avengers their personalities are
either larger than life, or they're nearly, to completely, invulnerable. It's a
completely different feel than that of Tony's unparalleled wit and brilliance,
Steve's passion, Banner's power, or Thor's (literal) godliness and
"drapes". He isn't physically big or intimidating, his I.Q. is above
average but nothing unique, he doesn't have his own powers, and the only color
he has to deal with is white . . . so he is by far the most normal of all the
Avengers. This is unique and refreshing because for the first time in the
Avenger films we see a normal, average, everyday guy put into an extraordinary situation
for which he must adapt, fight, and survive. Tony is a “genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist”,
Banner was also a certified genius, Rogers was already in the mindset of being
Captain America before the serum, and Thor . . . I mean, he’s not even
technically a “guy”. So it’s just fun to see how a regular guy handles the responsibility
of a super power and it’ll be more interesting to see how he plays with others
when he actually becomes an Avenger!

The movie was a perfect combination of laughs and action. I
mean let’s face it, the concept of a superhero fighting at ant size is a bit
comical in itself. This is by far the strangest and most eccentric Marvel film
to date. Not including Guardians of the Galaxy cause, i mean, that'll never be
topped. As far as the action is concerned there were well written fighting sequences
that were well executed and all of the action was fast paced. While mind
controlling ants is a farfetched idea, it did result in some awesome abilities.
This ability could allow Antman to float, electrocute enemies or targets, and
even fly! The comical relief was largely left to Michael Pena. He is one of my
favorite actors because he can do so well at drawing a tear or a laugh from the
audience. For this role it was all about the laughs and Pena delivered! And lets not forget Evangeline Lilly, who doesn't have a vast acting resume, comparatively, but the credits she does have are mounted with action! With credits from The Hobbit and Reel Steel Evangeline Lilly is well equipped to turn some of the bad guys into a "black-eyed" Susie.
This being a Marvel movie there's obviously a lot of Easter
eggs and references throughout the film. While I couldn't catch them all,
especially with a couple of obnoxious viewers sitting beside me, you will see,
or hear, references to the other regular avengers, The Wasp, and even
SPIDERMAN!!! Also, just as the rest of the Marvel films stay for the end of the
initial credits. And don't forget, this film marks the last appearance for the
iconic Stan Lee!

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