Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

 Dungeons & Dragons:
Honor Among Thieves

The Guardians of Middle Earth

    Calling all geeks, calling all geeks, arise from your basements ... come out from your high rise buildings (as geeks now come proudly from all manners of life), and realize that the time has come. It . . . has happened. Hollywood has "rolled the dice" and officially made the box office silver screened adaptation of the iconic group gaming, nerd making, geeky bar setting game that is . . . Dungeons & Dragons!

Stranger Things S3
  So, to be honest I'm a Movie Master and over all geek to many things BUT . . . I've never played the game before. Never even laid eyes upon it really. My only experience with it are the obscure references to it from the show Stranger Things and the (teeth grinding to a chip, body quivering all over, fists clinching) 2000 Jeremy Irons film adaptation, Dungeons and Dragons. I have absolutely no idea what references lie within the movie from the game and have no intention of rese
arching it to find out. I'm a Movie Master and to pretend otherwise so as to imbed geekdom facts I know nothing about on here would be a disgrace to myself and you all. Anyway, onward and upward...

    My take on the film was . . . it was GREAT!!! It is Guardians of the Galaxy for Middle Earth and I love it! Everything about it shouted Guardians of the Galaxy and while some may hate that parallel, go ahead, hate it . . . but it was fun and entertaining, and I loved it. 

Guardians of the Galaxy
    First you had Chris Pine in a role that actually fit Chris Pine, which hasn't happened in quite some time (damn, that almost rhymed), and he was definitely like the Star Lord of the group. Not particularly powerful or special but still the heart of the troupe (as he does play the Lute...) and true leader in heart and spirit. Next his most loyal companion, played by Michelle Rodriguez, also playing in a role that suits her in a way that she has missed out on in quite some time. It truly demonstrates why she has been the queen of kickass for the better part of two decades among any other actress. She is the muscle of the group but with accuracy and deadly precision, just like Gamora. Doric, a Druid in the film, is able to transform herself into seemingly any manner of animal she wishes. Remember, I haven't played the game so I'm not sure if that is completely accurate, but, from what I've seen in the film it seems to be that way. Anyway, while her default form is that of a petite and quite attractive red headed girl with horns abound her head, one of her favorite forms to transform into when launching into battle is that of an "owl-bear". The creature is enormous, extremely formidable in strength and endurance, and is the group's "big gun" in a fight. She is essentially their Drax, when transformed at least. Especially in the final battle of the film! 
Simon, Doric, Edgin, Holga; Dungeons & Dragons

Michelle Rodriguez

     Xenx and Simon, the final two members of the group, are nothing like the Guardians of the Galaxy members in any way really. Which is fine . . . I just thought it would be cool if each member paralleled with a member of Guardians of the Galaxy. Anyway, one cool thing is that there IS an actual core member of the Guardians of the Galaxy present in the film and is a pivotal part of one of the group's members. To me, I don't know, with my insight into the parallel of the characters in Dungeon's and Dragons in conjunction with Guardians of the Galaxy ... and then to have one of the core members OF the Guardians of the Galaxy actually IN THE MOVIE . . . it's just hard not to see that as some kind of nod to that character connection being more true than not. 

    As for the other aspects of the film, to sum it up really quick, everything was as good as can be. In the past the other adaptations of the film either took itself too seriously or would overreach with the CG (computer graphics) abilities of the time and come across as completely "corny". The other adaptations just didn't have the funding that this production did. This film was beautiful in its settings, the CG was seamless, the monsters and creatures brought to life beautifully, and most importantly . . . the fight and actions scenes were clean and clear to follow along with. While some action films take their cinematography in a direction that allows for violent and turbulent panning and shaking of the camera during fight scenes so as to come across as more chaotic, this film found a great mild rhythm to it that allowed for the desired illusion yet avoided the trap of distracting the audience by losing them! And Hugh Grant makes an amazing presence as the decidedly charming conman Forge showing that he is, as always, and shall always be, the ever king of charismatic characters. 

Hugh Grant as Forge

    This is a great movie that should certainly be enjoyed in the nearest theater through the greatest experience one can enjoy a film in. It's fun for all ages, if you've enjoyed the game itself (as I'm sure Henry Cavill has) or never played it a day in your life (like myself), or if you just want to see a great cast bring to life some awesome characters, then roll YOUR dice and get to the movies! Until next time, I'm your Movie Master . . . 


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